Unity. Dust component

Allows creating particle dust using Unity built-in particle system.

Unity. Debris component

Allows creating particle debris using Unity built-in particle system.

Unity. Connectivity component

RayFire Connectivity component Allows activating Inactive and Kinematik objects by their connectivity with Unyielding objects.

Unity. Combine component
Unity. Snapshot component

Save properties group Asset name: Asset file name. Compress: Reduce asset size twice when On.   Load properties group Snapshot Asset: Asset file which will be loaded. Size filter: Size filter to exclude loaded objects by size.  

Unity. Recorder component

Record properties group Record On Start: Start recording on start. Otherwise recording can be started by “Start recording” button Clip Name: Animation clip asset name. Duration: Time in seconds. Recording can be stopped by “Stop record” button Rate: Defines amount of keys per second. Reduce keys: Remove keys with the same value as it’s neighbour. […]

Unity. Cluster component

RayFire Cluster component Clusters component can be used to create parent/child hierarchy in Editor mode which can be used for demolition in Play mode. Also clusters allows to simulate dynamic concave objects which is impossible to do for now (2018.3) in Unity with regular rigid bodies. Properties group Type: Defines clustering algorithm. By Point Cloud: […]

Unity. Wind component

RayFire Wind component Gizmo group Gizmo Size: Defines size of Wind Gizmo. Wind force can be applied to dynamic objects only inside gizmo. Noise group Global Scale: Defines Global Noise scale. The higher Global Scale make wind more chaotic and dense. Length Scale: Defines Noise scale over Z (Wind direction) axis. Width Scale: Defines Noise […]

Unity. Vortex component

RayFire Vortex component Anchor points group Top Anchor: Position of Top anchor point. Bottom Anchor: Position of Bottom anchor point. Gizmo group Top Radius: Radius in Units for Top anchor. Bottom Radius: Radius in Units for Bottom anchor. Eye group Eye: Size of inner eye hole in percents to radius. Strength group Force By Mass: […]

Unity. Gun component

RayFire Gun component Using Gun component you can shoot objects, demolish them at Impact point, create Impact Flash, Particle Debris and Dust, dynamically push them and activate. Single shot can be initiated by public method: public void Shoot() Properties group Axis: Defines local shooting axis of object with Gun component, in case Target is not […]

Unity. Bomb component

RayFire Bomb component Bomb explosion can be initiated by public method: public void Explode (float Delay = 0) Where Delay is time delay in seconds. Range group Range Type: Defines explosion direction for objects. For now there is only one type, but later there will be more. Spherical: Explosion expands in all directions from explosion […]

Unity. Blade component

RayFire Blade component Using Blade component it is possible to slice objects to two pieces in runtime. Object with Blade component also should have Collider (Will be automated in next builds). Cut Type: Defines when target object will be sliced. Exit: Target object will be sliced when Blade collider will exit target collider. Blade will […]

Unity. Activator component

RayFire Activator component Using Activator component you can activate (turn them to full dynamic objects) Inactive objects. Activation group Type: Defines when Inactive object will be activated. On Enter: Inactive object will be activated when Activator will Enter it’s collider. On Exit: Inactive object will be activated when Activator will Exit it’s collider. Delay: Delay […]

Unity. Man component

RayFire Man component RayFireMan script works as a manager for all simulated objects. You can create it and setup your own properties. it will be created automatically and use default properties if you didn’t created it before. Gravity group Set gravity: Enables custom gravity multiplier. Multiplier: Multiplier for gravity force. Infinite Fall group Destroy: Allows […]

Unity. Shatter component

RayFire Shatter component Its main purpose is Prefragmentation in Editor mode. For now, it provides 5 fragmentation types: Voronoi, Splinters, Slabs, Radial, Slice and Tetrahedron based fragmentation (but this one is too advanced for games, at least for now) Fragments Fragment Type: Defines fragmentation type for the object Voronoi: Low poly, convex, physics friendly fragments. […]

Unity. Rigid component

RayFire Rigid component Its main purpose is Advanced Physics Control and Runtime Demolitions. Using Rigid component you can demolish 3d objects into thousands of fragments and every fragment can be demolished further deeper and deeper. Initialization: Defines when object will be initialized. Initialization adds all necessary components to object, setup them accordingly to properties, and […]